Germany only in international midfield for knowledge transfer from universities

Bild: Pixabay

When it comes to technology transfer from science to business, other countries are ahead of Germany. This is the result of an analysis of international ranking data by the CHE… Continue reading Germany only in international midfield for knowledge transfer from universities

International review of the promotion of teaching and learning in higher education

Foto: Pixabay | Montage: CHE

Which public and private organisations, programmes, projects or networks outside Germany promote the development of teaching in higher education and innovation in teaching and learning? The CHE Centre for Higher… Continue reading International review of the promotion of teaching and learning in higher education

University transformation in Ethiopia: Ethiopian UASs learn from German experience

Die Delegation aus Äthiopien besuchte auf ihrer Study Tour u.a. die OTH Amberg-Weiden | Foto: OTH Amberg-Weiden / Linda Misch

21 visitors from Ethiopia, mainly vice-presidents, take their first-hand impressions and experiences home with them today, ready for use at their universities. Looking behind the scenes at universities of applied… Continue reading University transformation in Ethiopia: Ethiopian UASs learn from German experience

More female students than male for the first time at HEIs in Germany

Foto: Brooke Cagle / Unsplash

For the first time, more female students than male were enrolled at higher education institutions (HEIs) in Germany in winter semester 2021/22. This trend is also confirmed by international figures.… Continue reading More female students than male for the first time at HEIs in Germany

CHE’s Saskia Ulrich represents the think tank on the EAIR Executive Committee

Saskia Ulrich vom CHE ist seit November 2019 neu im Exekutivkomitee der EAIR.

The governing body of the international scientific organisation EAIR met on 19 November. After the end of Isabel Roessler’s term of office, Saskia Ulrich from the CHE Centre for Higher… Continue reading CHE’s Saskia Ulrich represents the think tank on the EAIR Executive Committee

Service, language and scholarships: How Spain attracts international students

Foto: David Peterson / Pixabay

Spanish higher education institutions (HEIs) are popular among international students, at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral level. For instance, one in three students doing a doctorate in business administration in Spain… Continue reading Service, language and scholarships: How Spain attracts international students

Quality standards for dual study in Africa

CHE teamed up with university partners from Africa and Europe to develop quality standards for dual study programmes in Mozambique and South Africa. A publication about the project has been… Continue reading Quality standards for dual study in Africa

University architecture of the future: traditional facilities result in traditional teaching

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Whether good WLAN, light rooms or flexible furnishings: modern teaching and learning concepts need an appropriate environment. Examples from higher education institutions (HEIs) in the Netherlands and in Norway show… Continue reading University architecture of the future: traditional facilities result in traditional teaching

International Deans’ Course Southeast Asia 2020 gets underway online

Start des IDC Südostasien2020

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The 14th International Deans’ Course (IDC) got underway, with 30 participants from eight Southeast Asian countries. The two-week advanced training course, run by the CHE and Osnabrück University of Applied… Continue reading International Deans’ Course Southeast Asia 2020 gets underway online

About 60% of universities reported online learning provisions in their strategic planning pre-COVID-19, but only few appeared to be prepared for a quick shift to full online programmes

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed millions of learners, teachers and researchers to new realities, new ways of learning and teaching, examination, communicating and doing research. It is clear that the… Continue reading About 60% of universities reported online learning provisions in their strategic planning pre-COVID-19, but only few appeared to be prepared for a quick shift to full online programmes