European standards for excellent research management: RM Framework launched with German participation of CHE and ZWM 
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European standards for excellent research management: RM Framework launched with German participation of CHE and ZWM 

The EU-funded RM Framework project starts in February 2025. The abbreviation RM stands for research management. Participating project partners from Germany are the CHE Centre for Higher Education and the ZWM Zentrum für Wissenschaftsmanagement (Centre for Science Management).  The aim of the project is to develop a European qualification system for research managers to promote…

New perspectives in research assessment: good practice from Italy and Spain 
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New perspectives in research assessment: good practice from Italy and Spain 

The current issue of ‘DUZ Spotlight – Good Practice International’ focuses on the discussion of a reform of research assessment. Until now, publication figures or third-party funding have been the main indicators of successful research performance. In view of global challenges such as climate change or technological transformation, this is no longer appropriate. Examples from…

Potential of transdisciplinary research at universities of applied sciences 

Potential of transdisciplinary research at universities of applied sciences 

The research project ‘TDR4HAW: Transdisciplinary Research at Universities of Applied Sciences – Status quo and potential of a sleeping giant’ was launched at the beginning of November 2024. “HAW” is the HAW is the German abbreviation for UAS – universities of applied sciences.  In addition to the CHE Centre for Higher Education, the research team…