Peer-to-peer departmental consultation focuses on human medicine in 2023/2024

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The digital transformation has become an indispensable part of medicine and the medical professions. This also implies changes in medical education. For this reason, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (German Forum for Higher Education in the Digital Age, HFD) is inviting tenders for peer-to-peer departmental consultation for human medicine this year, and will support two selected faculties in their endeavours to develop their learning and teaching activities. Applications are open from now until 9 June 2023.

New digital treatment concepts will change future job profiles in medicine and the healthcare professions. To be able to meet these future challenges, medical students and physicians must understand the current transformation processes and gain new skills. This implies a change in medical education at universities. The question, then, is how medical faculties respond to – and help shape – the demands posed by the digital transformation.

To support these development processes in learning and teaching, the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (German Forum for Higher Education in the Digital Age, HFD) invites applications for peer-to-peer departmental consultation for the subject of medicine, focusing on human medicine, this year. Didactic, technical, curricular and organisational issues can be addressed in the context of the consultation process. Two medical faculties will be selected by a jury in the competitive procedure. The closing date for applications is 9 June 2023.

By offering peer-to-peer departmental consultation, HFD has been supporting faculties and departments in the further development of learning and teaching in the context of digitalisation since 2021. Experienced peer experts from the German higher education landscape provide participating departments with consultation on an equal footing. The one-year process is supplemented by exchange formats between the participating faculties as well as transfer opportunities for the subject as a whole. A different subject area is addressed in each cycle (2021/22: business administration; 2022/23: mechanical engineering).

The full call for peer-to-peer departmental consultation 2023/2024, focusing on medicine is available here.

Interested faculties have until 9 June 2023 to apply online via the HFD website, which also provides further details and information on who to contact for peer-to-peer departmental consultation.