Guest article by Frank Ziegele on the financing of higher education institutions during the coronavirus crisis

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Until now, Germany’s higher education institutions (HEIs) have come through the crisis better than their counterparts in other countries. The starting situation for Germany’s HEIs is comparatively good, and is reminiscent of the situation in the healthcare sector at the start of the pandemic: the fact that government funding makes up 86 per cent of their financial structure has given them precious time, which may now benefit the higher education system – when they all have to respond to the consequences of impending state budget reductions. However, they must start right away.

In a guest article on the blog of education journalist Jan-Martin Wiarda posted on 23 June 2020, CHE Executive Director Frank Ziegele addresses the questions: What conclusions have been drawn from the coronavirus pandemic for Germany’s HEIs, and what needs to be done?


Nach dem "Glück gehabt" kein "Weiter so" 23. June 2020 0.00 KB 16908 downloads

Ziegele, Frank: Nach dem "Glück gehabt" kein "Weiter so", Gastbeitrag auf,...
