Private HEIs in CHE’s DataCHECK: young, metropolitan, narrow range of programmes

Mehr als die Hälfte der Standorte von privaten Hochschulen befinden sich in Großstädten wie Berlin | Foto: Jonas Tebbe / Unsplash

Private higher education institutions (HEIs) are experiencing a boom. Two of the three largest HEIs in Germany are now privately funded. However, the majority of private HEIs have fewer than… Continue reading Private HEIs in CHE’s DataCHECK: young, metropolitan, narrow range of programmes

CHECK Housing & Mobility: Saarland is the federal state with the highest proportion of students still living at home with their parents

Foto: Pixabay

The housing situation of students, whether they live in rental apartments, shared flats or the parental home, differs greatly from region to region in Germany. The colloquially known “Hotel Mum”… Continue reading CHECK Housing & Mobility: Saarland is the federal state with the highest proportion of students still living at home with their parents

More female students than male for the first time at HEIs in Germany

Foto: Brooke Cagle / Unsplash

For the first time, more female students than male were enrolled at higher education institutions (HEIs) in Germany in winter semester 2021/22. This trend is also confirmed by international figures.… Continue reading More female students than male for the first time at HEIs in Germany

Hamburg, Saarland and Berlin have the highest proportion of NC subjects in winter semester 2022/23

Many school-leavers will shortly be receiving their Abitur certificates. They will then be free to choose from the majority of study programmes offered in Germany without having to undergo a… Continue reading Hamburg, Saarland and Berlin have the highest proportion of NC subjects in winter semester 2022/23

Students wish to have more online learning even after the pandemic

Studium während der Corona-Pandemie - Foto: Engin Akyurt/Pixabay

In the second year of the coronavirus pandemic, students in Germany are satisfied with their university’s crisis management. This is the finding of a CHE survey of around 6,000 Master’s… Continue reading Students wish to have more online learning even after the pandemic

Covid year group: CHE overview of bridge courses and tutorials for first-year students

Foto: Lukas Moos / Pixabay

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Coronavirus pandemic is having a particular impact on the 2021 intake of Abitur cohorts that are now starting university. Positive facts for prospective students are provided in a current… Continue reading Covid year group: CHE overview of bridge courses and tutorials for first-year students