Germany only in international midfield for knowledge transfer from universities

Bild: Pixabay

When it comes to technology transfer from science to business, other countries are ahead of Germany. This is the result of an analysis of international ranking data by the CHE… Continue reading Germany only in international midfield for knowledge transfer from universities

Private HEIs in CHE’s DataCHECK: young, metropolitan, narrow range of programmes

Mehr als die Hälfte der Standorte von privaten Hochschulen befinden sich in Großstädten wie Berlin | Foto: Jonas Tebbe / Unsplash

Private higher education institutions (HEIs) are experiencing a boom. Two of the three largest HEIs in Germany are now privately funded. However, the majority of private HEIs have fewer than… Continue reading Private HEIs in CHE’s DataCHECK: young, metropolitan, narrow range of programmes

Examples of social innovation driven by German higher education institutions

Social innovation is the term used to describe new social practices or concepts that lead to change in society. One example of a social innovation is the proliferation of working… Continue reading Examples of social innovation driven by German higher education institutions

CHE model describes how social innovations emerge on campus

Foto: Pixabay

Whether the initiation of new nursing and care concepts in rural areas or the introduction of family-friendly working time models: social innovations, i.e. new social practices or forms of organisation,… Continue reading CHE model describes how social innovations emerge on campus

CHECK on transfer facilities at German higher education institutions

CHECK Transfereinrichtungen

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Virtually all higher education institutions (HEIs) transfer research findings, patents or stimuli to the economy or society. This now often takes place in special units on campus. A survey conducted… Continue reading CHECK on transfer facilities at German higher education institutions