Fact check: Strong growth in student numbers not the only cause of lack of apprentices

The majority of young people find it difficult to decide whether to enter vocational education and training (VET) or higher education (HE) after leaving school. This is partly due to… Continue reading Fact check: Strong growth in student numbers not the only cause of lack of apprentices

Number of students without Abitur has more than doubled in ten years

Foto: Unsplash / Mikael Kristenson

The number of students without a formal higher education entrance qualification has reached an all-time high in Germany: more than 70,000 people have currently taken the opportunity to qualify for… Continue reading Number of students without Abitur has more than doubled in ten years

Software developers can also be trained in a completely different way

Computer science is one of the most popular degree programmes in Germany. However, CHE’s latest DataCHECK on the area of computer science indicates low proportions of female students and low… Continue reading Software developers can also be trained in a completely different way

Vocational academies differ to cooperative state universities

Foto: Pixabay / Dolf Maurer

In some federal states of Germany, dual students can choose between studying at a university or a vocational academy (Berufsakademie). These two institutions differ in several respects, including the programme… Continue reading Vocational academies differ to cooperative state universities

“Germany needs innovative bridging between academic and vocational education”

Foto: Pixabay | Montage: CHE

Be it studies for non-traditional applicants or dual study options – a growing number of people in Germany want the best of both education systems. But there is a lack… Continue reading “Germany needs innovative bridging between academic and vocational education”

Dual studies in Germany: federal states differ widely in terms of study options and demand

Foto: Shutterstock

Dual studies are growing in popularity in Germany. And yet the programmes that combine academic and vocational education vary significantly, depending on their design. There is also a wide range… Continue reading Dual studies in Germany: federal states differ widely in terms of study options and demand

New record high: 66,000 non-traditional students in Germany

Foto: StockSnap / Pixabay

A growing number of people are taking the opportunity to qualify for a degree programme in Germany via the vocational route. Some 66,000 people currently studying in Germany do not… Continue reading New record high: 66,000 non-traditional students in Germany

Number of people eligible for higher education in Germany systematically underestimated

Foto: pixabay

Many more people are eligible to study at a German higher education institution (HEI) than official statistics suggest. This is the conclusion reached by a new publication released by the… Continue reading Number of people eligible for higher education in Germany systematically underestimated

Higher education institutions as providers of continuing education: sharp rise in shorter formats

Foto: Shutterstock

Those wishing to continue their education at a higher education institution (HEI) in Germany now have a wealth of different formats to choose from. The options range from individual courses… Continue reading Higher education institutions as providers of continuing education: sharp rise in shorter formats

Covid year group: CHE overview of bridge courses and tutorials for first-year students

Foto: Lukas Moos / Pixabay

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Coronavirus pandemic is having a particular impact on the 2021 intake of Abitur cohorts that are now starting university. Positive facts for prospective students are provided in a current… Continue reading Covid year group: CHE overview of bridge courses and tutorials for first-year students

New record for the number of students without Abitur

Foto: StockSnap / Pixabay

Never before have so many people in Germany made use of the opportunity to secure a place at university on the basis of their professional qualifications – the figure now… Continue reading New record for the number of students without Abitur