• Ulrich Müller
  • 1. Januar 2006

CHE-AP74: Public steering of Studentenwerk Berlin shall be reworked, mainly against the background of the following factors:

  • the amendment to the Studentenwerk Act provides for the shift from allowance-based to performance-based funding and stipulates the conclusion of a framework contract with a term of several years,
  • due to the substantial reduction in public subsidies, Studentenwerk will possibly have to rearrange its future priorities,
  • the “restructuring agenda” of the Land Berlin aims at establishing target-oriented and effective steering in appropriate fields of action – for this approach, Studentenwerk will be taken as an example and examined as a pilot of Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur (Senate Department for Science, Research and Culture) in the report on hand,
  • the existing steering model still holds a vast potential to optimisation.

    In a cooperation project with Studentenwerk Berlin and Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur (Senate Department for Science, Research and Culture), CHE has drawn up basic ideas for a new steering model. Concrete proposals are provided, such as how the indented new steering model may be implemented in consistent interaction with diverse instruments, how political legitimisation for autonomous decisions of Studentenwerk may be fostered, and how the Studentenwerk’s performance may be comprehensibly portrayed on the basis of target-oriented indicators and reports. By way of the intended steering architecture, both the Senate and Studentenwerk break new ground; no similar approach has yet been premeditated in any of the other German Länder.
    Müller, Ulrich; Ziegele, Frank; Hüning, Lars: Grundlagen eines ziel- und wirkungsorientierten Controllings am Beispiel der finanziellen Leistungen des Landes an das Studentenwerk Berlin. Arbeitspapier Nr. 74, Gütersloh, Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung, 2006


    • 706.56 KB Dateigröße

    Ulrich Müller

    Leiter politische Analysen

    Tel.: +49 5241 9761-56
    Fax: +49 5241 9761-40
    E-Mail: Ulrich.Mueller@che.de

    Tanja Ologe
    Tel.: +49 5241 9761-58

    Hochschulräte, Individuelle Studienfinanzierung / Studienkredite, Studienbeiträge, Student Services / Studentenwerke, Landeshochschulgesetze, Reformmonitoring, staatliche Steuerung
