Second issue of HFD strategy magazine strategie digital focuses on blended university

The second issue of strategie digital is all about the university of the future. Several authors explain why, in their view, the university of the future is directly linked to the concept of the “blended university”. Using various case studies, the publication also highlights areas where higher education institutions (HEIs) already use elements of a blended university.

The second issue of strategie digital revolves around the question of what the university of the future could look like. Will the campus continue to be the heart and soul of university activities? How will teaching and learning change? What content should be taught to best prepare students for the world of work? In one of the articles, Jannica Budde, Julius-David Friedrich and Josephine Sames show why, in their view, the university of the future is directly linked to the concept of the “blended university”. Taking the notion of blended learning a step further from a strategic perspective, it can be applied to the entire university, covering all areas: learning environment design, service structures, the understanding of the role of teachers and learners, and everyday interaction, to name but a few. In the vision set out by the three authors, the university is aligned with the needs of its stakeholders, and plays an active role in shaping the digital transformation.

The magazine also includes examples of cases where HEIs are already in the process of implementing future-oriented and ground-breaking concepts. In this context, the publication also extends its focus beyond the German-speaking countries. As in the first issue of the magazine, the community is also given the chance to comment: Professor Dr. Stephan Jolie, Vice President for Learning and Teaching at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, and Professor Dr. Susanne Staude, President of the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences, report on their experiences with the digitalisation of learning and teaching. This time it is the turn of Professor Dr. Peter-André Alt, President of the German Rectors’ Conference, to write down his thoughts on the subject of the blended university in the new column. The student perspective is also addressed: not only in writing, in the form of a report by the two former DigitalChangeMakers Lenoie Ackermann and Kevin Saukel, but also visually, in the shape of various illustrations. To this end, HFD asked students about their idea of a blended university. The winner – Lina Omari from Macromedia University – is pictured on the cover of the magazine.

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strategie digital. Magazin für Hochschulstrategien im digitalen Zeitalter (März...

What do higher education institutions of the future look like? How will teaching and learning develop in the years to come? As HFD sees it, the blended university is a potential option for the future. Various activities on this topic are planned for 2022. First off was the study commissioned by HFD on “Strategies for the future on the horizon?”, conducted by HIS-HE, which was published in early March. The HDF magazine strategie digital presented here, focusing on the blended university, will be followed shortly by the HFD podcast Das HFD Update. This podcast will also address the topic in its forthcoming issue. The Call for HFDvisions invites HEIs to embark on a facilitated innovation process at their institution. Those wishing to share information and ideas on the topic across universities will be keen to attend the HFDcon: this in-person conference will take place in June 2022, inviting the community to enter into dialogue on: “Blended University – What is to come and what will remain?”. Further activities will follow throughout the year.